leds make everything better

Things Electronic

I know just enough to potentially be a bit dangerous. I know what hot electricity smells like (you know what I'm talking about) and have seen the dreaded blue puff of smoke from expensive components. Despite the setbacks, I still love creating weird and random things with Arduinos, LEDs, sensors, motors, and whatever miscellaneous components make it into my YouTube feed.

A few of the custom PCBs I've designed

Breadboarding the DFPlayer Mini

Breadboarding a spectrum analyzer

Vactrol board prototyping

"I really should know Ohms Law by now!"

Deland Craven

I enjoy making electronic things that act in organic and unpredictable ways and am always pleasantly surprised when the code actually works! I'm a firm believer that LEDs make everything better. I also know just enough to not stick forks in sockets and generally avoid mains electricity. I've made a few custom PCBs, love surface mount soldering, and started dabbling with LTspice to up my electronics game... gotta figure those op amps out!